Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Angels? The new Vampire?

I started reading Lauren Kate's Fallen over the weekend (which FYI we ordered for the Tucker Free Library; see my upcoming post on new YA books!) and it's about a girl who finds herself at reform school (under suspicious supernatural circumstances and finds herself face to face with two dueling fallen angels.) Or so I've heard. I haven't gotten to any fallen angels yet. But I have been introduced to a very interesting protagonist in Luce, and not one, but TWO cute love interests, no sight of wings yet.

Speaking of angels...they just might be emerging as the new trend in YA fiction.  In other words, it might be time for Edward Cullen to move on over and make way for angels, and not necessarily in any religious sort of way. In fact,  "many of these next-gen protagonists are more badass than biblical — rebels, rockers and villains among them."

So where can you find these angels?

Fallen by Lauren Kate of course, which is the first of a planned four book series. The movie rights have also been spanned up by Disney à la Twilight.

Another is Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, which seems to have a setup much like Twilight girl meets impossibly beautiful boy in school, spends 200 pages obsessing about him. His name is Patch not Edward though. I love the cover, you can check out this really interesting post about the cover and you can hear the author and the cover designer's prospective take on the cover.

There are also YA books which features angels who are not tortured and angsty, but are instead comical angels or guardian angels.  There is Elizabeth Chandler's Kissed by an Angel trilogy, which finds a girl's dead boyfriend return to her as her guardian angel and Suzanne Selfors's Coffeehouse Angel  which also features a funny guardian angel.

Of course there is also Libby Bray's Going Bovine which includes a punk angel (NOTE: we have Going Bovine here at the Tucker Free Library so check it out!)

And in Timothy Carter's Evil? there is a fallen angel in a Canadian town wrecking havoc. It also have a really fantastic cover!

I'll post a proper review of Fallen once I finish it and then you guys can look for it here at the library.

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